Southeast Asia, past & present

Publication date 2004 Topics Southeast Asia -- History Publisher Boulder Colo. : Westview Press Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 950.1M

Includes bibliographical references and index

Cultural heritage: The land and its people; Early kingdoms in mainland Southeast Asia; Early kingdoms of Sumatra and Java; The rise of new states: Ayuthaya, Majapahit, and Malacca; European intrusion in the Indian archipelago: the early phase; Mainland Southeast Asia: the consolidations of Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam -- Colonial interlude: The English and Dutch in the East Indies; British role in the Malay States in the nineteenth century; Pride and paramountcy: Anglo-Burmese relations in the nineteenth century; The French in Vietnam and Cambodia; Thailand remains independent -- Nationalist response: Nationalist movements in Southeast Asia: general; Filipino urge for freedom from Spanish and U.S. rule; The nationalist movements: Indonesia; The Nationalist movements: Myanmar; Thailand's constitutional revolution; The Nationalist movements: Vietnam; The nationalist movements: Malaya, Cambodia, and Laos -- Fruits of freedom: Independent Philippines; Myanmar: toward integration and democracy; Thailand: independence at any price; Indonesia: unity amid diversity; East Timor: birth of a nation; Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei; Nationalism and communism in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; Vietnam and Cambodia under communism -- Review and commentary

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